Paper Quills/ 10 pack 6" 12 in stock. Quills do not have sides and are made of cardboard. Quills can be used in any shuttle. The quill length should be 1/2 to 3/4" less than the length of the spindle inside the shuttle cavity. Quills are much quieter than bobbins.
Why quills instead of bobbins?
Bobbins have sides so that the yarn will not slip off the ends. They can be easier for beginners, but you must still wind them carefully. The weft is wound quickly back and forth with some tension to make a compact tight package. A bobbin made for another shuttle may not work in your shuttle as it may not fit or turn properly. The sides of the bobbin can sometimes catch inside the bobbin cavity of the shuttle. In this case, it is probably too long or too thick and it may be better to use quills.
4" and 6" quills usually in stock - currently only 6" in stock, but you can cut them down to size with scissors
Paper Quills/ 10 pack 6" 12 in stock
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